Laura Knudsen District 206 Board of Education

Meet Laura Knudsen
Knudsen for Kids!
I ran to fill Position Four on the District 206 Board of Education because of my love of education, compassion for students, understanding that high-quality schools support our community, and the need to preserve parents' rights.
I believe District 206 is positioned to lead the state in education. We have a community who has historically supported our schools. Our facilities are in good shape. Most importantly, our teachers and support staff are passionate about students and education. We can provide valuable experiences for our students, while making sure they are achieving proficiency or better in core academics.
I bring varied experiences to our School Board. I have been an active parent in our school district for 15 years. Along the way, I have served as the President of the Early Childhood Education Parent Advisory Committee, worked on referendums and volunteered in the classroom. My proudest achievement was being a part of the parent group that upgraded the Carlos Elementary playground to make it safe.
A unique experience I bring to the Board is having been an employee in the district schools. I worked as a Para-professional in classrooms from pre-school to high school. This is experience has given me a first-hand look at the many assets and successes our district has, as well as the challenges we face.
My family has had many wonderful experiences in our years of involvement in District 206 schools. From family dances, teachers going the extra mile and the joy of watching our children learn. Unfortunately, the past few years have brought dramatically different experiences. I have a growing concern for the direction the Alexandria Area Schools are heading. A concern that was great enough to lead my husband and I to the difficult decision to remove our children from District 206 schools.
Over the past few years, I have spoken with parents and students, hearing many heartbreaking stories. Parents are raising the same concerns I have, but haven't felt heard by our district leadership. As a member of the Board, I will be the voice for those parents and community members who love our schools and know our district can do better.